Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Class Take Away 1

Well let's see, fortunately, this was the first, and so far only class that I had this week that didn't spend the entire class time focusing on the syllabus, so there's that.

However, more than that, we talked about why the class existed in the first place and why we all decided to take it, it seemed that pretty much everyone's story was similar: they needed a 300 level class, this one fit they bill, and they liked Beth's teaching style/had heard good things about Seeing Sideways.  We also talked a little about what creativity was, and how the whole concept of "out of the box" was actually very in the box, so to speak.

We also watched a Ted talk about how everyone seems to think they want more choice, but with more choice comes more responsibility for our actions, and therefore more unhappiness overall.  It was an interesting concept, one that I know I have felt in the past.  I know that I seize up with fear any time someone asks me, "What do you want to be when you grow up?", and I'm a senior this year.  Still don't know, and the thought of all the choices that I have at my disposal scare me a little.  Like I said, I do understand very much where he's coming from.

I think the class is going to be interesting to say the least.

Now, I just have to figure out what the hell I'm going to do with the egg.

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