Monday, September 30, 2013

Curiouser and Curiouser

Honestly, this project was kind of difficult for me, as I had trouble finding something that made me specifically curious I guess.  I went a handful of days trying to find something and was coming up dry, until I was driving home and listening to the radio, as per usual, and then I started thinking about the radio itself.

I guess I hadn't really thought about the radio before, but technically, in order for it to work, the air around us has to be constantly filled with various different frequencies, so there's invisible songs and words constantly streaming about our heads every day as we go about our business, completely unaware until we tune in.

It's neat to say the least, and something that I had never really taken into much consideration before.

So I attempted to draw a picture based around that idea, and the idea that Beth offered up in class, where the illustration was actually everything drawn around the subject.  I attempted to draw a silhouette of a person and then surrounded him with words and music.

I would upload it here but for some reason my scanner is not wanting to cooperate, so I'll show it off in class.

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